Kõneteenuspaketivahetus Tele2 self-service costs 3.2 EUR. Free the paketivahetus applies to a customer who has signed with the direct debit payment and e-Bill Internetipaketi ümbervormistus
. Exchange and their relatively greater package is free of charge. Paketivahetus and ümbervormistus relative to the smaller package costs $ 7.99 EUR. A customer who has a direct debit contract concluded or subscribed to the e-invoice costs paketivahetus EUR 3.2 to self-service.
Tele2 internetipaketist waiver is without prejudice to the possibility for the use of the mobile Internet. The mobile internet is open for all clients from the merger. If the customer is not activated, internetipaketti, It is possible to use the service based on the principle of the automatic daily or 1 EUR/kalendripäevas, regardless of the volume used. You can subscribe to the full limit of mobile Internet, which also includes MMS messages, the restriction on the service. Service is taxed as a single basis 6.99 EUR and to cancel this please contact 6866866 or eraklienditeeninduse to the number to the number of the äriklienditeeninduse 1205.